Us and the environment

Our sustainable practices

“Here on the farm, every day we discover new ways of being, doing and continuing in order to take advantage of the best that the land gives us.”

Growing the best organic berries is a science and an art that requires patience, attention to detail and hard work!
Our commitment is to produce red fruits that make you happy and to preserve the land for future generations.
global gap

Our sustainable practices

  • Use of solar energy for water collection, irrigation, fertigation and maintenance of the space.
  • The irrigation system we use is drip irrigation, so that only the water the plant needs is used.
  • The fertilizers used are natural and approved for organic farming and checked every year by the Naturalfa inspection and certification body.
  • Between the rows of our plants we have green meadow – green manure.
  • All organic waste from kitchen and agricultural activities is placed in vermicompostors. Here, our earthworm friends decompose urban and vegetable waste (potato peelings, herbs, etc.) into substrate (humus – rich in nutrients for agriculture) and slurry (liquid from the earthworm’s humus), which in turn is used as fertilizer and substrate for our crops.
  • During cultivation, the remains of pruning are shredded and incorporated into the soil between the plants and in the existing paths.
  • Every year the seeds of cloves and aromatic herbs are used to make new seedbeds and planted among the plants, so that they can protect our berries from pests and predatory insects, as well as promoting the existence of other auxiliary insects, friends of our culture, such as ladybugs, bees and bumblebees.
  • In view of the existing fauna and flora, the farm is home to wild pollinators – bumblebees and honeybees. In the months of February and March, new swarms arrive and stay in the existing hives, which are monitored, monitored and cared for throughout the year. This will create new hives and create an ideal ecosystem for the organic production of berries.
  • We reuse 1.5l plastic bottles for bait, made on the farm, to catch insects that are harmful to our berries.

There are many other tasks and practices that are carried out throughout the year so that the entire ecosystem is preserved and endures. That’s why every year we are recognized by a certification body that is competent in organic production and food processing, which after evaluation and inspection awards us the BIOLOGICAL AND GLOBAL G.A.P. certification.

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For those who don't know, our entire production and maintenance process uses organic and sustainable practices.
0% food waste
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